
Published on May 22nd, 2013 | by Kesavan


Sarawak ministers triple their current salaries

KUCHING: A recently passed Bill will see all 71 assemblymen and state Cabinet members in Sarawak enjoying a 300% increment in their monthly remuneration.

This means that under the new Members of the Administration and Members of Dewan Undangan Negeri (Remuneration, Pensions and Gratuities) Bill 2013, the Chief Minister will earn a whopping RM39,000 a month from the current RM13,000.

His deputy will get a raise in his remuneration to RM35,000 from RM11,500 previously.

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh, who tabled the Bill at the Sarawak Legislative Assembly sitting here yesterday, said the remuneration adjustment was timely.

KUCHING: A recently passed Bill will see all 71 assemblymen and state Cabinet members in Sarawak enjoying a 300% increment in their monthly remuneration.

This means that under the new Members of the Administration and Members of Dewan Undangan Negeri (Remuneration, Pensions and Gratuities) Bill 2013, the Chief Minister will earn a whopping RM39,000 a month from the current RM13,000.

His deputy will get a raise in his remuneration to RM35,000 from RM11,500 previously.

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh, who tabled the Bill at the Sarawak Legislative Assembly sitting here yesterday, said the remuneration adjustment was timely.

The adjustment, he said, was also necessary to cater to the needs of the state administrative members in view of the rising cost of living and inflation.

“It is also in view of the increased expectations of the people and the large territory of the state, especially those in the rural areas.

“The Bill is to make sure that the better provisions commensurate with the job and status of the assembly members in society and their heavy responsibilities,” he told reporters here.

The revision, he said, was also in line with the remuneration received by elected representatives in neighbouring countries like Singapore, who enjoyed one of the highest salary rates in the world.

However, Wong said despite the remuneration revision, the Barisan Nasional government had never forgotten the people and had always been sensitive to their hardship due to the rising living cost.

“For this reason, the Government has initiated and repeatedly taken various measures such as salary adjustment for the public sector and distribution of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) to cope with the inflation,” he said.

The adjustment, he said, was also necessary to cater to the needs of the state administrative members in view of the rising cost of living and inflation.

“It is also in view of the increased expectations of the people and the large territory of the state, especially those in the rural areas.

“The Bill is to make sure that the better provisions commensurate with the job and status of the assembly members in society and their heavy responsibilities,” he told reporters here.

The revision, he said, was also in line with the remuneration received by elected representatives in neighbouring countries like Singapore, who enjoyed one of the highest salary rates in the world.

However, Wong said despite the remuneration revision, the Barisan Nasional government had never forgotten the people and had always been sensitive to their hardship due to the rising living cost.

“For this reason, the Government has initiated and repeatedly taken various measures such as salary adjustment for the public sector and distribution of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) to cope with the inflation,” he said.

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