
Published on August 30th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

15 Degrees which will make you rich!

For students who are going to take the next big step in life, which is entering college, but not sure what to study? 

Well, here is a guideline of 15 major degree which will make you rich. Most people are money motivated, so this might be helpful. If you are not money motivated and have something in mind already. Then by all means, pursue your dreams. Don’t give up.

Plus, i don’t think this list is accurate in Malaysia. source.

Well, just to let you guys know.


15. Finance.

Average salary for fresh graduate: $46,500

AMCS (Average mid-career salary): $87,300.


14. Statistics.

Average salary for fresh graduate: $49,000

AMCS: $93,800.


13. Physics.

Average Salary for fresh Graduate: $49,800.

AMCS: $101,000.


12. Construction Management.

Average Salary for Fresh graduate: $50,200

AMCS: $85,200.


11. Mathematics.

Average Starting Salary: $47,000.

AMCS: $89,900.


10.Petroleum Engineering.

Average Starting Salary: $97,900.

AMCS: $155,000.


9. Management Information Systems.

Average starting Salary: $51,000.

AMCS: $82,200.


8. Geology.

Average starting Salary: $45,300

AMCS: $83,300.


7. Civil Engineering.

Average starting Salary: $53,100

AMCS: $90,200.


6. Environmental Engineering.

Average starting Salary: $51,700.

AMCS: $88,600.


5. Applied Mathematics.

Average starting Salary: $52,600.

AMCS: $98,600.


4. Software Engineering.

Average starting Salary: $54,900.

AMCS: $87,800.


3. Computer Science.

Average starting Salary: $56,600.

AMCS: $97,900.


2. Biochemistry.

Average starting Salary: $41,700.

AMCS: $84,700.


1. Biomedical Engineering.

Average starting Salary: $53,000.

AMCS: $97,800.

Tags: 15 Degrees which will make you rich!

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