Health and Fitness

Published on August 27th, 2013 | by FM

”Sleep Texting” is on the rise

A phenomenon called ”sleep-texting is on the rise, with sleep disorder specialists reporting that more and more people are texting several times at night while they are asleep according to CBS New York last week.

Teens are especially at risk of sleep texting as more and more kids reaching for their phones during night, sending texts without realizing it once they are awake. 

“Four o’clock in the morning, three o’clock in the morning – it would just be a sentence of jumbled-up stuff,” sleep-texter Megan told CBS New York. “I guess I got up and texted, and went back to bed, but I don’t remember it.”

Aside from the risk of sending bizarre texts to your contacts, sleep-texting isn’t good for your health in that it interrupts deep, restful REM sleep, experts say.

Dr Josh Werber, a sleep and snoring specialist told the US news saying that ” Sleep is a very important restorative process and when we’re not fully engaged in it, and not getting the amount we need, we’re not having the same restorative effect on our brains – and that affects our cognitive ability the next day.”

These experts has said that the best way to avoid or to curb is problem is to switch off your smartphones before going to sleep. Some say it’s best to put it out of your bedroom (somewhere out of your reach for the night). 

Try not turing off using these gadgets in the evening as reserach has proven that, the light -emitting from the screens from the smartphones can suppress the release of  sleeping promoting hormone melatonin and enchances arlertness.

These makes you more difficult to sleep at night – AFP Relaxnews

Tags: bad habit, messaging when you are asleep, new disorder, sleep texting, sleeping disorder

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