Health and Fitness

Published on August 16th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan

One of the best home remedies for diabetes

Curing diabetes using chemical medicines have it’s own advantage and disadvantages. If you think traditional is the best, here are some that you should take note of.

There are two types of home remedies discovered for diabetes and they are the ladies finger and black tea (tea without milk sugar and lemon). Due to high medication to cure diabetes, usually the kidney will be affected the most. It has been observed that black tea is actually good for the kidney which is why it is very advisable to consume a cup of black tea every morning.

The Process of consuming

  1. Boil water along with the tea leaves (any tea leaves will do)
  2. Drink the concoction without adding any milk, sugar or lemon. For some, it might taste bad but it’s good for the health

The Cure

Black tea will help in enhancing the function of the kidney, thereby not affecting it anymore.

Tags: alternative cure for diabetes, black tea and diabetes, cure for diabetes, how to cure diabetes, traditional diabetes cure

About the Author

The Founder of FM (FunnyMalaysia.Net), one of the leading media company in Malaysia for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high quality original reporting, insights and viral contents.

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