Health and Fitness

Published on August 14th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

7 usage of Carnitine! What is carnitine? Read more about it over here!

So, what is Carnitine? Is it a drug? Is it a vitamin? Carnitine is derived from an amino acid. It is found in nearly all cells of the body.

Carnitine plays a critical role in energy production, it transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized (“burned”) to produce energy.

Which food provide Carnitine?

Carnitine is found in meat, fish, poultry, and milk. The redder the meat, the higher its carnitine content.

Here are the 7 usage of carnitine.

1) To Burn Fat

2) To lose the excess in the Belly

3) Improve Performance for athletic performance

4) Fast Recovery

5) Prevent Diabetes and Improve Insulin Health

6) Improve Male Fertility

7) Improve Skin condition


For more info on carnitine click here.

Tags: 7 usage of Carnitine! What is carnitine? Read more about it over here!

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