Malaysian News

Published on August 28th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan

Malaysian Government got rejected by Facebook when asking for 197 Users Info

Just recently Facebook revealed their long hidden reports of government requests for user’s data across the globe. Surprisingly, Malaysian government is one of the involved party.

The report is called the Global Government Request Report  and it shows that there are seven (7) request from Putrajaya for 197 user’s data. The good news here is, Facebook never approved any of them. According to Mark Zuckernberg, the CEO and Founder of Facebook, the aim here is to provide transparency and trust for all users. 

Based on sources, the report is fresh from the oven covering since the beginning of January 2013 till the end of June 2013. 

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Tags: facebook, info from facebook, malaysian government request information, msia gov and facebook, putrajaya facebook

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The Founder of FM (FunnyMalaysia.Net), one of the leading media company in Malaysia for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high quality original reporting, insights and viral contents.

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