Malaysian News

Published on August 15th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan

Domestic Violence increased by 36 Percent this year, says Minister

Recently a man was caught beating up his own wife in an elevator in Penang and there was another case involving a man hitting his ex-girlfriend with a hammer. Definitely seems over the fence.

According to Woman, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim, last year from January to April 2012, the domestic violence that was reported was 991 and this year it is 1353. She also added that about 70-80% of the victim involves female. ”As for now, we are frequently improving the Domestic Violence Act (1994) for example the new amendment which was made last year that highlights emotional abuse”, says Datuk Rohani. 

For those who are aware that a friend, neighbor or even family  who are undergoing this problem but do not want to get involve, please DO NOT hesitate to contact Talian Nur 15999 for help. 

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The Founder of FM (FunnyMalaysia.Net), one of the leading media company in Malaysia for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high quality original reporting, insights and viral contents.

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