Only In Malaysia malaysian car accident

Published on September 9th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan

5 Things Malaysian Do When They Got Involved in an Accident

This is a bad habit that happen among Malaysians. Well, only a certain fraction of them does this but they don’t realize it. Whatever it is, please do take note of the 5 things below and try to act the opposite for a better nation and to help set a good example for the younger generations.

1. We never admit our faults

nobody is perfect except me


Something that most of us do. We always want to be Mr. Right and avoid those extra expenses. 

2. We own the road

malaysians own the road


As long as your vehicles can move, take it to the side and don’t disturb the traffic flow. We Malaysians often act like we own the road including me but I think it’s time to change that. Don’t you think so?

3. We usually have two options to settle. Why not stick to one to fasten the process?



Instead of bargaining and things like that which will take forever and also one of the reasons that leads to argument, why not stick with insurance? It takes time BUT it’s the legal way and that’s the number one reason why you pay for insurance in the first place.

4. We overreact

overreacting after an accident


Keep calm and handle the situation in a nice way. Accidents happen and when it happens, there is nothing you can do to UNDO it. Maybe a little piece of advice in a polite way would definitely cure things up instead of shouting at each other.

5. We automatically become a Paparazzi



This is actually the first thing we do to “annoy” each other. Taking hundreds of pictures which in the end comes to no use and some of us even take videos. Just keep calm, take one or two pictures and SOLVE IT!

Tags: accidents, accidents in malaysia, involved in accident, things malaysian do, things malaysian do in accident

About the Author

The Founder of FM (FunnyMalaysia.Net), one of the leading media company in Malaysia for the social age, intensely focused on delivering high quality original reporting, insights and viral contents.

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