
Published on March 18th, 2013 | by Muhd Erfan


Sultan Sulu And UMNO


1 of UMNO and former premier Dr. M’s ‘accomplices’ in the “PROJECT IC” or “PROJECT M” for the issuance of Malaysian Identity Cards or “IC’s” to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from the Philippines, Datu Akjan whom himSELF obtained a FAKE Malaysian IC, then later becoming a ‘member’ of UMNO KOTA KINABALU here in Sabah, being afraid that his ‘relations’ to the KIRAM’s might be looked into filed his resignation as a member of UMNO immediately.

Although MANY people know of the PLAYERS on the BN MAlaysian Government’s side including Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin ( in the picture here next to Akjan ) who was Political Secretary to Dr. Mahathir Mohammed back then.

On the side of the PHILIPPINES, UMNO needed a ‘broker’, or someone whom could GET as many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from the Philippines who would be willing to come to stay and LIVE in SABAH Malaysia, so long as they’d be willing to VOTE for BARISAN NASIONAL ( BN ) & UMNO.

Akjan grew RICH as a UMNO member also receiving MILLIONS of Ringgit worth of contracts, although it was an OPEN SECRET among Sabahan’s of this guy being an Illegal Immigrant from the Philippines himSELF being given a Malaysian Identity Card, but because during almost EVERY ELECTIONS he would help “SUPPLY” UMNO Leaders who were candidates for PArliament and State Legislative Assembly ( DUN ) seats with “Instant ‘Mee Maggi’ Malaysian Voters” among the PTI’s with IC’s…he was almost UNTOUCHABLE which made him grow very vain and arrogant that only a few years BACK, he CROWNED HIMSELF, the SULTAN OF SULU, on SABAH, MALAYSIAN SOIL! Which was an INSULT to the SOVEREIGNITY and Dignity of many Sabahan’s which took place back in 2011 in KAMPUNG LIKAS in Sabah.

As soon as the incursions begun, Akjan went missing.

But finally, if you look at the ‘facebook’ (FB ) page of SULTAN ESMAIL KIRAM II which was set-up since 2010.

THEN you will see WHY? As it all makes “SENSE” now. As Akjan himself is a person of not too much influence among the Sulu’s to be able to CONVINCE many of the Muslim’s in Mindanao to move to Sabah, simply by ‘saying’ by word of mouth that they could get FREE/EASY CITIZENSHIP.

But if the word came from MEMBERS of the SULU ROYAL FAMILY like the KIRAMs, then more people would “BELIEVE” it, furthermore because the KIRAM’s have “ALWAYS” believed that Sabah is theirs and still belongs to them, thus if “THEY” were to tell their faithful followers to go ‘home’ and stay there…many people would follow and consider it as a ROYAL DECREE!

But looking into Sultan Esmail Kiram II’s Profile ( who is the BROTHER to the Sultan Jamalul Kiram III in Mindanao making headlines along with the other brother Raja Muda Agbimmuddin who led the Sulu Army and is still hiding SOMEWHERE in Lahad Datu Sabah ).

MORE revealing stuff can be seen.

Such as the photo of Esmail Kiram with former Prime Minister Abdullah Badaw who is giving him a ‘VIP

Treatment here.

Then SURPRISINGLY, in this photo it states that ESMAIL KIRAM is the ADOPTED SON of former Prime Minister Pak Lah, making them ‘brothers’.

By right, instead of ‘attacking’ Tian Chua or Anwar and the ‘opposition’, from much of the EVIDENCE which is showing-up, even clues coming from Foreign Press in the Philippines.

The RELATIONS between the KIRAM’s and the TOP OFFICIALS in “UMNO” should be investigated upon.

But AKJAN’s ‘freaking-out’, finally revealed and GAVE AWAY the MISSING CLUE’s and LINKS that may be involved in the “PROJECT M” or “PROJECT IC” and explain “WHY” there are SO MANY PTI’s here in SABAH today!

“SHARE” with all fellow concerned Malaysians and especially SABAHAN’s!

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Tags: sultan sulu and umno

About the Author

I love a good source of information or news; but making news fun is what I do. I believe Generation Y will be hooked to "Fun News" one day.

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