
Published on August 18th, 2013 | by Kesavan

If EC (Election Commission) does not respond, there will be Bersih 4.0

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk S. Ambiga has annouced that the Bersih 4.0 rally will happen unless the current Election Commission (EC) steps down.

Datuk S. Ambiga says that she will guarantee the demonstration will be held if the EC proceeds with its planned delineation of parliamentary and state constituency boundaries before the electoral rolls are cleaned. – The Star

She said , ” This is not a threat but a promise. We have to take it out there to make them realise we mean business. ” 

“We can see the evidence in the RCI (Royal Commission of Inquiry) in Sabah that the electoral roll in Sabah and whole of Malaysia needs cleaning up. If the delineation is done now, we will be stuck for the next eight years and things will not change,” she added. – The Star

When is the Bersih 4.0 expected to be held?

Datuk S. Ambiga said that it all depends on the Election Commission’s response. 

“I would like to see some response from them. I want to see a response that they will clean the electoral roll before proceeding,” she said.

Ambiga also stated that the Bersih 4.0 will foucs on the Bersih People’s Tribunal on GE13 which will be on Sept 18 and 23. 

The aim for this is for hearing the proof alleged irregularities and fraud during the previous General Election. 

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Tags: Ambiga and Bersih 4.0, Bersih 4.0, Election Commission Malaysia, street rally

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