Malaysian News

Published on August 5th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

14 years old selling their own body for a fix (drug). Their price is Rm20.

Location: Malacca.

Six child, all under the age of 14 are involve in selling their body to older guys for a mere RM20 and psychotropic pills.

They were caught during an anti-narcotics raid in Malacca. The six of them has admitted to their offence of selling themselves to satisfy their drug needs.

The identities of those customer who had bought any of the child service is unknown, which makes it hard to make an arrest.

The state welfare, woman and family development committee chairman Datuk Latipah Omar said she believed that there were many more girls who is involve but yet to be uncovered as they might be also hooked on to drugs.

Datuk Latipah Omar then added that she was extremely concerned as the young child involve in this flesh trade are very vulnerable to HIV as they have limited knowledge on how to protect themselves.

A father of the runaway child has stormed into the settlement when he got a tip off that his daughter is in involved in the flesh trade and is a drug addict, as she was forced by her drug addict boyfriend.

The girl was forced to entertain clients in their hotels and home since June.

The girls are now in rehabilitation.

It has been reported that some of the girls even went on to be ‘freelance’, cutting away the middleman in order to gain more profit. They advertise themselves in social media.


Tags: 14 years old selling their own body for a fix (drug). Their price is Rm20.

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