Malaysian News

Published on July 23rd, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

Non muslim students force to eat in toilet to respect their muslim counterparts who is fasting. Before commenting please do not comment any racial stuff.

Credits goes to Guneswari Kelly.

Thanks to her awareness.

I am quoting what Guneswari Kelly mention.

“Dear friends do u hv feeling n a sense of humour. Is it fair for a sekolah kebangsaan sri pristana treatment our non Muslim children like this during puasa month.

They restricted our children to go canteen becoz they will dirty and gave them bilik bersalin n mandi for rehat. They quanteen them not to go out from break.

Is this fair? Can school treat like this. No food serve n no canteen. That bathroom is full of bacteria n smell becoz its a bathroom n next door toilet with the horrible smell.

When we ask they keep sending to another bathroom n store place.

As a mother I m in teas n sadness. My child in mess at Malay School. Y the parties n no body voice out.

How many times we need to run. No STOP FOR THIS!!! My dear malay friends do u think this fair? Can ur Allah accept this? Making our children in suffers. This wat 1 Malaysia is it????

Pls help me some plss. I need help my child suffering at that roon whenever her break. Our complaints not taken in school in keep doing same.”


I think a picture says a thousand words.



Thanks! =D


There are only two pictures. However, here is the link for more:

Tags: Non muslim students force to eat in toilet to respect their muslim counterparts who is fasting. Before commenting please do not comment any racial stuff.

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