Malaysian News

Published on August 28th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

Utusan fires namewee’s new movie “Kara King”.

Utusan Malaysia has been irritated again by Namewee. This time, it is by Namewee’s latest movie, “Kara King”. The reason for this irritation is because of a scene in the movie.

The scene that irritates Utusan Malaysia, is whereby Namewee (Lead Character) accidentally urinates on a Malay Couple.

It started when, Namewee was urinating on the side of the street and he attempt to turn around to bribe a policeman, while turning he accidentally urinate on the Malay Couple which was passing by on a motorcycle.

This cause an uproar among Utusan, and Utusan has questioned Namewee of what does that scene means? What message does it carry?.

Utusan then blast the Film Censorship Board for not censoring that scene.

“It is too difficult to read Namewee’s agenda to insult Malays in this film? The portrayal of Malays being Urinated upon by the Chinese survived and not censored?” –

He then added that, if it was a Malay movie which have the same scene, many people would be upset also. A movie example would be “Tanda Putera”.

He also mention that, this movie has majority chinese cast, and a handful of Malay and Indian. This will ultimately give a wrong impression of Malaysia’s ethnic composition when it is released in other Asian country.

Film censorship Board Chairman Datuk Raja Azhar Raja Abdul Manap responded, “What’s the fuss about the scene? I do not know how Utusan could have interpreted it as being insulting to Malays.” – Interview with

In respond to the writer who ask why it is not being censored, Datuk Raja then said, “The urine accidentally splashed on the Malay Couple. This is a comedy. It depicts the behaviour of the lead actor and his bad manners. There is nothing racial about it. That is why we allowed the scene”.

Datuk Azhar then added that, they look at the bigger picture. The whole story depicts a guy who has bad manners and eventually become good. There is a message in it. The scene is necessary to show how bad mannered the main character is, thus it slow build up the story line.

Namewee then responded in his facebook page, asking Utusan to stop playing the race card.

Namewee then added, all his movie has no intention of being racist. It is all in the spirit of One Malaysia. He said that, Utusan should stop attributing racial motives and start encouraging positive thinking. 




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