Malaysian News

Published on September 4th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua


Taib Mahmud son is reported to have RM 2 Billion in various accounts, according to his ex-wife.

The son of Chief Minister of Sarawak, Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir Abdul Taib has about USD 700 Million (After conversion, roughly about RM2 Billion) in several bank account across the world.

The Syariah Court Kuala Lumpur was told today, that he have account in Switzerland and Luxembourg.


It is reported that the Ex-wife of Datuk Seri Mahmud Abu Bekir Abdul Taid told the course that she could not recall the specific bank acount which have the whooping amoutn of USD 700 Million.

She added that, Rm100 Million is a small amount for him and he can easily pay the said amount.

Shahnaz gave a testimony in court regarding her divorce where she is suppose to get Rm300 Million in compensation.  Shahnaz, then claim that 50% of the asset belongs to her ex-husband.

She then continue to say that, her ex-husband owns 150 companies and is the major share holder in 21 companies which worth about RM 1 Billion.

However, Shahnaz has denied claims that she made a deal with Abu Bekir to settle this divorce out of court.

Before this, Shahnaz accused Abu Bekir of having a daughter with an Australian National and later on married a Russian Lady.-



Tags: according to his ex-wife., Taib Mahmud son is reported to have RM 2 Billion in various accounts

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One Response to Taib Mahmud son is reported to have RM 2 Billion in various accounts, according to his ex-wife.

  1. Adib says:

    Kalau cam ni i pun jadi Kroni!


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