Health and Fitness

Published on August 3rd, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

Need a flat tummy? But lazy to exercise? Just eat this 5 food!

A flat Tummy? Everyone’s dream after six packs (for men).

But to have a flat tummy one has to work for it. The working for it part is the most challenging for all.

People will have many excuses, such as no time, tired and so on. Its okay! Just eat this top 5 food on a daily basis to a flat tummy.


1. Almonds.

Almonds are rich in fiber, vitamin E, protein and antioxidants. These nutrients are essential for the body.The most important key point is that almonds help in reducing the body for absorbing fats. Have a handful of overnight-soaked almonds everyday, to have a flat stomach.

2. Eggs.

Eggs are naturally packed with sources of proteins, and eating a couple of it is very sufficient for our body daily’s protein’s need. Boil them is the best method. Consume eggs on a regular basis for a flat belly. But be mindful not to eat too much.

3. Apples.

An apple a day will keep the doctors away. This saying is very true. Apple will help to detox your body. This will get rid of toxins in your body and help you to get slim. It is especially beneficial to reduce the frontal and side fat layers.

4. Berries.

Berries is very rich in antioxidants. It improves your blood circulation and helps to increase your stamina. It is also a great source of fiber. Eat more of this to help get rid of that stubborn tummy.

5. Leafy Greens.

Most people  eat leafy greens daily, but don’t see any weight loss. But they are not eating it in the right form. It should be eaten nearly raw. Like salads! Then you will notice the difference.


With the top five up there, just be mindful of your diet too. After eating this 5 and you decide to guzzle down so much of other greasy food (fried chicken, goreng pisang, and so on) then i guarantee that you will remain fat.

Do some exercise too, like daily jog for a much more faster results.

Stay fit everyone! =D

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Tags: Need a flat tummy? But lazy to exercise? Just eat this 5 food!

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