Malaysia khairy home robbed malaysia

Published on July 1st, 2013 | by FM

Khairy Jamaluddin’s home was robbed

Malaysian’s Youth and Sports Minister, YB Khairy Jamaluddin is one of the latest victim among hundreds/thousands of robbery case that occur in Malaysia.

It was a daylight robbery whereby the house of the minister was robbed around 5.30PM on a Saturday by three unknown men. Thankfully, Khairy and his wife was not at home during that period. However, the one to witness the bitter incident was the maid.

According to the maid, the robbers ransacked the whole house and even the master bedroom and managed to walkaway with few laptops, watches and several other valuable things.

Location of robbery: Jalan Setiabistari, Bukit Damansara

Time and Date         : Saturday, 29th June 2013, at 5.30 PM

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Tags: khairy jamaluddin home robbery, khairy's house was robbed, kj home robbed, robbery in damansara

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