Malaysian News

Published on July 25th, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

Huge crocodile found dead in Kg, Bukit Belimbing, Sungai Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor.

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A huge crocodile carcass has surface in Kg, Bukit Belimbing, Sungai Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor.

It is reported that this is a famous fishing spot for many.

It has been a wonder this creature has escape us all, and now sadly it is dead. Hopefully it had a natural death and was not cause by us humans.




It certainly is a huge croc. Might be a new world record?
What do you guys think?

Are you all brave enough to sit on it even if it is dead? I am not!!! Haha.


Tags: Bukit Belimbing, Huge crocodile found dead in Kg, Kuala Selangor., Sungai Batang Berjuntai

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