Malaysian News

Published on August 19th, 2013 | by FM

Bangladeshi worker found dead near the entrance of Bukit Aman police

KUALA LUMPUR: A Bangladeshi worker was robbed and stabbed to death near the entrance of Bukit Aman (The Police Headquaters) recently.

Police said that this has nothing to do with the shooting of five gang members in Penang.

It was said that this Bangladeshi worker was on his way back from buying groceries at a store was robbed then stabbed to death.

The worker had valid working permit and was walking alone.

Police found that his wallet was empty but the documents of his working permit was still inside the wallet.

The victim’s phone was also stolen after he was stabbed.

Tags: Bangladeshi worker found dead near the entrance of Bukit Aman police, Death, murder, murder in malaysia, Robbed

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