Interesting Facts boys in college

Published on September 23rd, 2013 | by FM

8 Things Malaysian College Boys are Obsessed With

They boys certainly have lesser things to be obsessed with compared to the girls but the girls are still considered healthier than the boys in every way. 

1. Dota



You guys definitely saw this coming at the top of our list.

2. Everything needs to be efficient – GOOGLE

google malaysia


To be exact, it’s not about “being efficient”. It’s about copy and pasting and yes, it’s about your assignments.

3. Indoor Activities

futsal malaysia


Running too much? Too hot out there? Futsal is your solution and you guys are willing to pay for it to avoid all those.

4. Girls Girls Girls

malaysian girls


Is everything you guys think about.

5. Fast Cars

ferrari malaysia fast cars


We all say that we want fast cars and it’s all because “we love driving fast cars and enjoy the performance”. Deep down, we all know it’s about impressing the girls.

6. No matter how much it is, it’s not enough – MONEY

love money


First of the month and you got your allowance. After 10 days, you will be god damn happy to even see this RM50 note lying around in your wallet.

7. Mamak Time



No plans on a MONDAY? Well, you can find us and talk to us in these places. “We talk ‘cock’ all the time”, something that we are used to say.

8. We flood the cities on Friday – Partying



Just look at the picture. There are literally more guys compared to girls. Sad isn’t it? But that’s a “no, no” for us! We try every Friday going the same exact place because we don’t give up that easy.

Tags: boys, boys are obsessed with, college, college boys in malaysia, , malaysian college, malaysian college boys, things boys obsessed with

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