
Published on August 22nd, 2013 | by Arnold Chua

10 most dangerous cities in the world!.

Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous cities in the world.


1. San Pedro Sula – Honduras

Crime rate there is so high despite it being a tourist attraction spot.


2. Ciudad Huarez – Mexico.

Drug trafficking and gang wars are rampant over there. Kidnapping is also very wild over there.


3. Maceio, Brazil.

Hitman is a good business over there. People hire contract killers to solve their business problems.


4. Acapulco, Mexico.

The beaches there is awesome, one of the best tourist attraction spot. But when you are over there, please be careful as crime rate there are high.


5. Sharm el Sheikh.

Again, this city offers spectacular landscape and architecture, another awesome tourist spot. But don’t get fooled thinking this is heaven on earth. The crimes such as armed attack, broad daylight robbery, assault and rape happens quite often.


6. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We are listed as number 6?!. It seems the crime rate has increased to 70% over three years. This is alarming. Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful city, we should do something to preserve the beauty and maintain the safety in Kuala Lumpur.


7. Johannesburg South Africa.

Street shooting and physical assault is a usual sight in broad day light. Again it is another tourist attraction spot.


8. Caracas, Venezuala.

People are not advise to hang out in the streets for long. Gang wars, street fights and assaults are the usual events happening over there. If you don’t want to get caught in it, stay away.


9. Marrakech, Morocco.

Even the government official website warns the tourist about the danger in coming here. This sure tells us something.


10. New orleans, USA.

It has become violent in recent years and is the only US state that made it to this list.


As a conclusion, it seems many tourist attraction spot is known for its beauty and crime.

And malaysians, do you agree that our beloved KL belongs in this list?


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